very nice set and review! I am a fan of galaxy squad because first of all I like space ships and most importantly they can do some pretty awesome things. for example, the bug obviator that I have is awesome! lots of awesome details!
Discussion on the latest addition to the LEGO Space universe, Galaxy Squad, started somewhere in the summer of 2012. Since then, we've gathered more and more information as time passed, from set names and numbers to photos and official release, to the LEGO Club Magazine comic (Nov-Dec 2012) that tied this theme to the Monster Fighters' one (pic from LEGO Wikia) in some strange and yet not fully explainable way (as they seem to be placed in different universes). But, as we know well, this led to the first 6 sets only; the next 4, scheduled to be released next June, where unveiled at the many Toy Fairs earlier this year. Among them are 2 Alien Bug and 2 Galaxy Squad itself sets. It would seem the GS boys and girl, together with their robot companions finally got to the Bugs' home-world, or at least their stronghold in this sector of the galaxy, and are now ready to take the battle to the fabled and dreaded Hive.
lego galaxy squad bug battle
Again, LEGO logo and few set info complete the upper left corner, while a reminder of the site address is menacingly brought to you by Billy in the lower right corner. Moreover, for those interested, a cube code in the lower left corner allows you to see the Hive Crawler in action (note: at the time of writing, I have not check to see if the video is available yet). 2ff7e9595c