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Eboni Foster Just What You Want Rar: How to Get the 1998 CD Release in Digital Format


Each year there would be a Robert Pollard solo album, or sometimes two. In between I'd be working on Circus Devils music. Thrown in to the mix were three records from Psycho and the Birds. For about 15 years it was like that - no time for rest or to reflect on or celebrate what was happening - just being in the thick of the music. Sometimes it felt like being at sea with Captain Pollard on a years-long voyage to parts unknown.

Eboni Foster Just What You Want Rar

On 'The Numbered Head' Bob wanted to go off into a musical side journey - a prospect that made me nervous as a drummer. I don't do jamming. Maybe it's because I'm not a good enough musician to jam, or because I can't trust myself once I go off script. But more than that, I just don't find jamming interesting as a listener. It makes me impatient and ansty. My solution on 'The Numbered Head' was to employ what I called the "Shoe in the clothes dryer" drum technique, and keep up with the oddly syncopated fills, taking inspiration directly from Ringo.

Even before the double album idea was dropped, I decided to segregate the songs and record them in two separate groups. My dividing line pretty much reflected Bob's when it came time to split the double album in two, with just a couple of exceptions ('Folded Claws' and 'Penumbra'). 'Penumbra' was recorded along with what would become the Standard Gargoyle set. And 'Folded Claws' was bunched in with the set of friendly songs. When I think of 'Folded Claws' as part of Standard Gargoyle Decisions and 'Penumbra' appearing on Coast To Coast Carpet Of Love, I think of the Yin Yang symbol, where you see the two opposing halves - one dark and one light, but within each half is a small piece of its opposite. Maybe this was Bob's way of reminding us that these two albums were once a single creature before being broken in two.

Realizing a friendly (more conventional) song meant approximating what was in my head in terms of instrumentation and treatments. Things had to be glued down tight with the proper drumbeats and all the notes on the supporting instruments had to be just right - as in "there is no other note that works but the right one."

The lonely marathon recording session at Waterloo Sound that produced these two albums went one step farther in terms of my energy investment than anything I'd done before. I felt challenged and privileged to be building these albums, working from Bob's set of blueprints. But then I was also happy to go home and leave the construction behind. There was a time when I wasn't able to simply listen and enjoy these songs the way others do. It was like having an intense relationship that leaves you exhausted. You just want some distance. But now that several years have gone by, the songs confront me now like old friends.

Maybe I'm wrong but I believe many of Bob's fans found Elephant Jokes to be a challenge, at least until familiarity set in. I smile a lot when I hear this album, but it's hard to know what sort of reaction listeners will have. Someone once told me that they "lost patience" with this album. I suspect they were just being polite because they knew I played on it. For me an album like this was enjoyable to work on because it had the feel of a funhouse with many rooms. At the same time, I was careful not to have "too much fun."

An album like this allowed me to test my ability to obey the injunction "Do what the song wants." This had nothing to do with the song lyrics. It was about how to treat the song; choosing drum patterns, figuring out accompaniment, using guitars and keys to emphasize a mood, figuring out how much delay and reverb to apply to each element and so on. One thing that helped was to treat the songs as if they were living things. As creatures they could better communicate their intentions. Whether or not my interpretations work is up to the listener. This is rock and roll after all, so the plan of attack usually wasn't a mystery. But Bob is a songwriter with a sense of adventure, and his more adventurous songs were open to interpretation. The main things I tried to achieve were to give the song the correct level of energy, apply musical dressing to enhance whatever mood or emotion was going on, and build a 3-D space for the song to live in using different reverbs and delays, and finally, to keep musical cuteness in check (when possible). A record like Elephant Jokes, along with Fiction Man, From A Compound Eye, Standard Gargoyle Decisions, We All Got Out Of The Army, Space City Kicks and Mouseman Cloud were all fun challenges because they all contain songs that allowed for adventurous treatments.

You'll notice the song sequence above does not match the song sequence on the album. At the time the notes were written, Bob was still adjusting the track order. Also, track #15 ('Squeeze the Kids') was dropped from the lineup. While I took Bob's notes as my starting point, once I began work, sometimes a song dictated where it wanted to go.

Mouseman Cloud is another album where Bob is writing for himself in a playful mood. Open-ended songs like this often lend themselves to a more playful treatment from me as well. One thing I notice is a lack of pretty, acoustic guitar-based songs this time. There are weird and funny moments like 'Smacks of Euphoria' and 'Half Strained.' 'Lizard Ladder' leads to the stars while at the same time sounding firmly grounded in solid rock, as does the rest of the album - "Solid" being a good word to describe the rhythm sections here. Among the conventional-type songs, 'Doctor Time' is a stand out. I might call it "a perfect pop nugget" if I actually used words of that kind. Since I don't plan how things will sound beforehand, and I don't document what I do, fortunate moments like 'Dr. Time' are happy recording accidents. In terms of the songwriting it's just another shining moment for Bob.

For 'Who's Running My Ranch,' Bob gave me the assignment of collecting audio clips from an old western movie. I found the movie by tuning into our local TV station for old white men. To collect the audio, I just held a microphone up to the TV speaker. I don't recall the title of the movie, but it starred Gabby Hayes; the go-to actor for the role of a grizzled, cantankerous sidekick character in the westerns of the 1930s and 40s. Gabby's voice is the one you hear in the intro. The audio was distorted by overloading the input on the cassette 4 track. Of course, in the end section I got happy with the audio clips, throwing in horses and dynamite blasts and who knows what else. Mike Lipps once told me he liked this song a lot.

My favorites on Blazing Gentlemen are ''Faking the Boy Scouts' and 'Red Flag Down.' I like to mention my favorites not because I think they are the best songs. I've noticed over the years that when other people mention their favorites to me, they are almost always not the ones I choose. This has been true all across the work I've done with Bob, including Circus Devils. One thing that makes the albums I did with Bob so interesting is the wide variety of songwriting approaches and musical styles. There is bound to be a wide range of opinions about what is best, and nobody is wrong. You might even disagree with yourself as you get older. I think the elusiveness of the songs helps to make Bob's work an endless trip of discovery and re-discovery for anyone who wants to dive in and explore. To what extent the richness of the big picture of Bob's work is recognized by the music press, I don't know. But I suspect this "big picture" is probably not even in view.

These are the crates. A place where I will be dumping links for you to search and download. No user comments will be allowed mainly because I want to keep this clean from conjestion. Keep a check every now again to see what has been put in the basement. Enjoy.

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iTHE WASHINGTON W TIMES TI TIMESWEDNES1AY rES WEDNESDAY DECEMBER I 1ECEMBER31 ECE IBER 31 1902 rBASEBALL WORLD IN l lAA GUESSING UESSI CONTEST TE8T TE8TAwaits I IAAwaits A vaits Outcome of Cincin Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinmiii nati Peace Meeting MeetingEYES MeetingEYES MeetingEYESEYES ON GARRY GARRY HERMANN HERMANNRational HERMANNrfationalllIanagers HERMANNIfationalRational rfationalllIanagers Managers Net N t In Harmony HarmonyAmerican HarmollYAmerican HarmonyAmericanAmerican League Seems to Hold Holdthirteen HolelThirteen HoldThirteenthirteen Trump Cards CardsAH CardsAn CardsAlAH Al hands haode fane fa players lIar aM andigers aMira1 ira 18 are al taking wltla part rt la 1 the t th guasaiac guasaiacontest contatontest which wk4c la I now aelag oIsg oIsgthe IM the outcome ef the aeaee secs cooler e ceof eace eaceofof the rival 1al ball leagues in daoiwMiti daoiwMition Ot Otonon January JaDU r S Jut what will be Nno aee aeeno t4e t4eDOno eno oaOo evoa evo those posted PH is I able Ie 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Istaad Miami applaud opea Sghts ts on oath cithe onthe Ithe th grMipn a are sr the ease who throw jp jptheir Jptheir ip iptheirtheir mttle in borrror born clever sfentlflo lads like MoCovera MeGcnenaCorbett sad aadCorbett I LCorbettCorbett jo o battle battlIts battlelts aUI aUIItIts It jffljwdlee BOtWoK oUttaKbut but prejudice prejudicethat prejudlclthat prejudicethatthat tlfo tl t1I alone ct a should fe fair play in everything and andfair andtall I Lfairfair plrfte PI pli1 1a this thisTbjr thisTb thistt Tbjr Tb r IK one on ball player Just no nowh now nowh noawhiwh whi h > Tr b his hi hands full mapping out outhis outhishis nrgt lineup for next yesri yesripeaatat year yearlt yosrapeoeatpeaatat lt race rar In tbe lb National T LPalU LPalUThat LaautThat anur anurThatThat no is 1 Joe Kelly manager of the 1ttI h1 1II TWO FISTIC CHAMPIONSDETHRONED CHAMPIONSDETHRONED CHAMPIONS CHAMPIONSDETHRONEDDETHRONED IN PAST YEAR YEARJames YEARJames YEARJamesJames J Jeffries Still the King KingDespite KingtHeplte KingDespIteDespite tagtotettou and the endless Ihowl bowl 8t I IItS S game fr the year r Just tIt ending has prospered pr8QIrtMI prosp ed Seme pugiltoU have fared taredbetter tltr faredbettor tl tlMUerbetter than ethers but the chamirieae 1wlth wlth tbe one exception ef Young > Cor CorbeU Cor1teU CotliettbeU have made aroney aroneyThe 180M 51000The I ITlteThe Denver lad does sot Heat to have caught popular aver awl alHlltaa has been beenotmderliic bHtaIIouAder1q hesslousderingotmderliic about In the hope of getting on with Itll seme eom good laaa His eMirts eMirtst ertaItaY efertatot to have ItaY the bout bou with Itb McGovera cGoverB brought off o have proven fruitless and s d Ms Mstheatrical alsttrleal histheatricaltheatrical engagements eD mnta barren o remits remitsTwo rPAUltTo resellsTwoTwo boxing boxl champions were dethroned First and foremost Ollt was Frank FrankBrae JllIIkBrH FreakIkeeBrae the Buffalo lightweight who lowered his colors to Baltimores negro xegreboxer negroboxer g gboxerboxer Joe Gene The Tb contest co test booked for twenty rounds was fought at For ForBrie FOIw ForiiBrie w ii Cans Oe a putting his opponent to sleep In a hurry IUlrr Since then tM Brae ha has Met netdefeat Meteat metdefeatdefeat eat at t the hands of Jimmy JhOUl Brttt of California while the sew champion championhas chlunplo101M champlosloshas gone on bowline bowlt them over without any aD effort He HOW seams to be In a aclass ae1ua aclassclass all n by himself Good Judges regard him as the peer of Jack XcAuHffe XcAuHffewhen XcAtaU McAuIIkswhen when that popular boxer was in his It prime primeThe primeTlte primeTheThe negro heavyweight title which hen always Iwa been mere re or less in dis dispute 41 41pute 41 41puts pute passed into the heeds of Denver Den er Bd 4 Martin rUa by b his h defeat of Frank FrankCbllds IIrakCbllds FraskChildsCbllds the big bI Chicago boxer boxerIn boxerIn boxerInIn all ether divisions the old ones one held heir titles Uti Jeffries right Ilit no one onequestions Hequest1DRL eecquestionsquestions George Gardiner by b his h victory letor over KM Carter proves pro himself himselftoto honors as king of the lightweights Tommy Ryan Is still in I charge of the themiddleweight UteJDkWlewelpt themiddleweightmiddleweight division As A long is he Too Walaott Wal otl Is in condition be e need have haveno anHI havenono fear of the other welterweights Thee Th8iVaro arc mtelaeeed Young Ya Peter PeterJacfeMa PeterJttdtH PeterJcheeaJacfeMa JttdtH may some day eqtl1ilir fall thu heir te the eevelot prize prizeThe prizeThe prizeTheThe champions IB their dtJtoraat classes are ar as follows followsHeavyweight fellowslisevyweight ollowa1I7W8tHeavyweight James J J Jeffries Jr California CaliforniaHeavyweight CallCoralaHvyweJpt CaliferalalicavyweightHeavyweight negro Denver De yw M 4 Martin Colorado ColoradoLight CnlorlMleL181at ColoradoL1tLight heavyweight yYWet George Gardiner Maeaaehusett MaeaaehusettMIMlewetght XaeItUMttOMlewelkt aasaehuettsMiddleweightMiddleweight Tommy T Ryan New Ne York YorkWelterweight Y YorkWslterweight orlc orlceUweIPtWelterweight eUweIPt Lightweight Joe Cans 0 Maryland MarylandFeatherweight MarylaDdIOterwelaJtt MarylandFeatherweightFeatherweight Young osug Corbett Colorado ColoradoBantamweight ColoradoDantat ColoradoBantamweightBantamweight Harry Forbes Colorado Coloradolala the t e year pugflwtfc put IUe ssceiater Mouter tera war were wore tteia In Massachusetts Yac UhU Connecti Connecticut COIIDeCUcut Coenecttcut cut California Oregsi rep OrsgKta7fftisoIe K KU flUi lqtlU vanla Michigan New Icw Jer Jersey Maryland Georgia South parUna Carolina ladlaaa ladlaaaebraska Indianebraska I Iebrukaebraska Waafclastra WIt I 8B WUeanoia 11 MlHaaoota Montana ntaoa sad Canada CanadaOpposition CanadaOppositionO Opposition UOR was manifested In some of these States Sta but o oaly ly to cham champions champlOM champicas Ipicas or the heavyweights heavyweightsTEE heavyweightsr heavyweights1THEr1 1I1THE I TEE NEWS OF OFGEORGETOWN GEORGETOWNThe Kisss Daughter an operetta1 operetta1by opereUaby operottabyby Brother Martin J Whelan Sacristan Sacristanofof Trinity Church Georgetown was waspresented WHprt8 waspresentedpresented last night at Trinity Chapel Chapelby Chapelby Chapelbyby Ute members of the Sunday school schoolThe choolTJte schoolTheThe affair proved successful and the ef efforts eftorts efforts forts of the participants were greatly greatlyappreciated greatlrap greatlyapreciate4appreciated ap reclatecl by b the large aud a aA180ag audlt audltAmong c cAmongAmong those in the cast were May MayClarke MayClark MayClarkeClarke Maude UcKlaley Jessie Sum Summervllle SUmJlterville Summervillemervllle Mabel Kane May Killeea KlU Liz Lizlie Llzde Lixalelie McKeaaa McK Mary Lyeaaae Lanne Josephine JosephineKelar JOHpItIDctKelar Josephine JosephineKelarKelar Mao Mai Moran Kate I lleary Tleary le r Clara ClaraLipaoomb ClarnLipsoomb tarJ tarJLlpIICOIDbLipaoomb Lillian Sullivan Kathleen KathleenCmtin Kat KathleenCortin leen leenCarUnCmtin Helea Simpson Ruth White WhiteIda WbltIda WhiteIdaIda Lyddane Lyd ne Mary Ahem KHeea Keady KeadyMargaret KeadyMargaret KeadyMargaretMargaret Stohlmao Rachel Drury DruryBthel DnaryJIOIel DrurythelBthel thel Rhode Holes Dyer Annie AMI Butter Butterboff Butterhothot Louise McKinley Sadie Killeen KilleeaLaura KilleenLaura KilbeseLauraLaura Kane Bst tJle Ie Lyons Josephine JosephineSpelmaa JOtIethl JotephineSpelman e eSpeIIllBSpelmaa Agnes ASR Delaney Maria taria Connor ConnorDelia ConsorDella ConnerDellaDella Dorsey Dorse Florence Talbot Talbot Bdlth Bdlthranzel BdlthDranlel BdIthHranxolDranlel ranzel Maggie Keady Katie K Kane KaaeLillie KaneLillie ne neLlllieLillie May tay Virgie Connor May ay Bills BillsPearl Bill BillPearl ElIiePearlPearl Bbrmantraut Btleea Blht BtleUayes Hayes MinIM AsmiqSebaffer MinIMSchaffer U1Dlt4SebaUerSebaffer Alberta Potter Pottorn Jl Rsee e Paul PaulBlanche PnInc PawlUlaseheBlanche nc Wise W Gertrude Reed Mamie MamieMurtaugh MamleMurtaugh IamlaMwuuilShMurtaugh Mary Donahue Gertrude Con Conlea Conloa Conloslea Helen Potter Aaaa Cleary Kath Katheriae KathortRC Kathortceriae Mea Louis Mutaugh MutaughThe MvI1TJte MutawghTjteThe TJte entertainment will be given again againthis Asalnthlj againthisthis evening at S oclock ocioekThe oclockTheThe semiannual election of officers cf cfReao cfR cfRiseRise R Council C No 4C I J 0 U A M Mwas Mwagwas held Monday evening and leeulted leeultedI i eowltodRedI Red It tl There are theee th who wMIHIUtn believe Joe Joekaews Joeknowskaews his little IItt1 book book aadi aaditbatoa aaditbatoathe that WeD itnkenthe I WeDtMthe dndnaatl team takes tak8lFtltet takesths5old the meld ld next noxtyear nextyuryear it will be the strangest t la I tansy tansyThe ninnymoonsmoons moonsTbaMMTMThe Tb former Oriole with a wealth of ofmaterial ofMaterial ofmaterialmaterial to select from has only to topick toplek topickpick out bis hi beet Those who will m not notbe notbe notbebe fartuaate fertua cnovgh te get a berth with withthe witht1te withthethe regulars r I1tI would add strength to allY aaycrab allYchi anyclubcrab chi ia the country countryaow couotryTIte covatryTbTIte Tb great Mtzcle for Joe to tackle Is IsJaow isbowbow aow to pines pia his Jal outfield He has Sey Seymour SeyMfHIr Soymoor moor Crawford Bonus and himself to toselect toHied toselectselect from II Unless U be decides ret t bag ba some 110 oae of the t ethers will willhave willltay willhavehave ltay to warm w the beach All rank rankameag rankaRNMIg rankameogameag the star stars of tbe profession profI and andit aDdIt anditit will be a tossup tOllllU which one to use usoSeyafour UBaIer useSeyo4arSeyafour Ier rour is popular with the fans as asis asJ asIis I also J Donlla while wlan Crawford Is an old oldmember oldDtel8iter oldmembermember of the Red RedIt RedsIt Red RedItIt irsms more JDO than likely however howeverthat how6vortkat howeverthatthat Kelly Ken will go to the Initial corer eoraerdisplacing corerdtaplaeSD cornerdisplacingdisplacing Beekley This will leave leavePerktewa IvePorktewB leaveorktownPerktewa with perhaps the fastest tal tHt out outfield outlei outfrld field lei la I the country countryThree eoutryTill countryThreeThree Till oC this tld putat came OIIM from fro the theHaalea tJten theIlsaleaHaalea n aad McGraw school heel and they theyknow teyJutow theykilowknow the game gain They are booked to teshake toshakeshake 11 up tI nanny aT old dry bones bon before beforethe betorttlM beorethe >the leg r fails flJ M the finish finishWING h hI hII 4 4II WING QUIT A WINNER WINNERM WINNEROn I1 1 1ODeODe On of tile freaks ol Ute trlse rR rRTGUItg ring ringisis M Young Peter Jackson the U welter welterweight weU weUpt welterweIghtweight pt boxer under tuMI the wing of Al Her Herfortf Hrforti Herfordford really one a of the three thr wise mea ea of ofthe ortll ofthethe tll boxing game la this country countryThis couDtryTk countryThisThis Tk same IM Jackson is a tough ftetle ftetleproposition hUcproJl8tdUell ibticproieeitlonproposition sad an black as the sev seven T Tnen 5 bInges hl g Charcoal his h friends IrIJNlswould say saywouM saywoIdwould make a white mark on him himMew hlnaNo blotowMew No ow Jacksons strong forte lO is putting puttingthe putUntile puttingthethe ambitious Wtlou boxer wiae wipe to the fact factthat factthat factthatthat be Is the real thing and that plenty plentyof Itleatofof easy money y lies 11 before wo him Par Pat o oPeters ot othter1 otPetersPeters days 7a were W spooL t ea the Pacific PasIScCoast P PacificCoast eUlo eUloCeaetCoast Ceaet where DOW and then he wen a aBrat aI arbtBrat rbt and managed a a boxer Among the tbethis lbfoI theot557ot557 good aDd bed tJdap JtruHlIed by bytlalll bythisthis ebony hued h marvel 1 was A t icon younChinaman GUDCIthuuutt iconChilsansaChinaman covered with medals by byfaI bit bitfellow bitIfellow faI no Celestials ee for his ability lIty to ml mloM makc makcwith ak akgoodgood with the MeHcan masse a when whenever whener WhSHever ever er he deaaed lie the mitts mittsWing MUtaWI adttaWiugWing WI Leo lAou was the name allle he aaaWored aaaWoredtee aweredI aasWorodtoetoe He was 118 a featherweight fsatherwolghta4d ia aijd d in inOhinatewa InChlw inChinatownChinatown a George ae r Dixon DixaaOae DixonOseOae 0 aae be soovooiag evening ovetd Wing was 8 down to tomeet toa tooteetmeet a wee We bit of a Celt In a tearound tearoundboot ttinrouatJbout tonroundboutbout All the shorthaired t AIrM gentry and anda andliberalI a liberal > sprinkling of CMaatewas CMaatewasftportR OwtewasIIport ClaloatowassporteftportR w wttGt were ro ureaaat at tINt ringside ringsideWlmy r rI riagnidevw1gI Wlmy belied I seed cod aea Ma a he doffed his7as fellows Councilor P M Riley vice vicecouncilor ykecounellor vkecouncilorcouncilor William WI11I A Collins recording recordingsecretary recordl recordlslCretary recerdlnisecretarysecretary Howard C Klley Xii financial financialsecretary flauclalretary financialsecretarysecretary retary Forrest ForreSt D Yowell treasurer treasurerWilliam ualMlrerWIIUam treasurerWilliamWilliam Shoemaker warden J Richard Richardlagalls R1ebardJalalls RichardIsgallslagalls conductor Edward N Riley RileyInside RileyInside RileyInsideInside sentinel Clarence Burrows out outside outIIlde outaids side sentinel William R Darsey DarN chap rhtplara tp tplalo chaplainlara William B Ireland assistant re recording recording recording cording secretary Samuel B Fawcett Fawcettrepresentative hwcettrepreaentatlve Fawcettrepresentativerepresentative to national aa onai council Alex Alexander AtxaDder Alexantler aDder J Yowell chairman delinquent delinquentcommittee deliDcaueatCOIDlDltt delinquentcommitteecommittee COIDlDltt W V K lagalls organist W WM WRebey V VMM Rebey assistant organist W B BIreland DIrela8d BIrelandIreland trustees lir A M Ray J JL JL 1 1L iL L Giles au and J P C George W Neale NealeThe NealeTlie NealeThe IThe offleers will be Installed at the thonext tnBext thenextnext regular meeting eetlng of the u council councilThe COtIscttThe councilTheThe Rev Father Pat James JaRl Doreen for forerly formerly formanymany erly of Georgetown University now 0 of ofWoodstock oCWood ofWoodetockWoodstock Wood teek Jesuit College will preach preachat prMekat preachatat the th 11 oclock mass tomorrow at atHoly atHol atHolyHoly Hol Trinity Chureh Thirtysixth and andQiStreette udostrtefJa andOStreeiaQiStreette northwest the oecaste oea a atr wW wWlBTf i iJJlBTf tr ir holiday JJ Irday or obligation obligationThe obltgaUttnThe obligationTheThe Knickerbocker football team of ofGeorgetown lGeorgetown ofGeorgetownGeorgetown will play the Rock Creek CreekStar CreekStar CreekStarStar organization tomorrow afternoon afternoononon the Georgetown University campus campusThe raIRPULTe campusTheThe game will be called at 239 31 oclock oclockThe ocleekThe oclockTheI The teams are evenly eveal matched DtA alted eleeely olel contested conte tM game is expected expectedThe expectWIThe expoetadTheThe proceeds will m be turned late the thebuilding Utebtillkllog thebuildingbuilding fund ef Trinity Church Churchgewa Churckgew Churchgowngown gew of purest China silk Ik and stood stoodstripped dstripped stoottstrippedstripped for tko fray frayTime trayTime frayTimeTime was called and Cblaamaa and andGael nilGael andOselI Gael were MOB at It IL The Thelto bout t was wasscheduled wasehtlled wasscheduledscheduled for tea rounds For six of ofthem otthem ofthemthem Wing went against an awful awfulgrueling allfulgrueling awfulgruelinggrueling onfy op1 to be told by Jackson at attbe atthe atthethe mel of jttach each round that It looked look like likewhipped Ukeftoolag likefindingfinding H1 sidney D8 Although he was being belagwklpped beingwhippedwhipped to shreds Peters Peter comment acted actedlike etedlike actedlikelike a charm oa the Chinaman and he hewould hewould bewouldwould go 0 back to I again with the theblacks tDebJack theblacksblacks bJack words ringing ia his ears earsYoure earsYotIrc earsYoureYoure a winner 1Hr Wing Wi WIs Youre a win winner wlner winnor nor er This Thl would w happen 811 at the end ef efeach oreach ofeacheach round roundFinally rOHFlnaliy roundFinallyFinally came ca cam the seventh eve th uW1 uW1having Wing Winghaving W1nghavinghaving stood d up under a hard beating beatingstaggered beaUgataggored beatingstaggeredstaggered to bis hi comer only to b HI patted pattedonon the bock b once more by bin 1 manager managerand JDaaagerand managerandand told that he was a sure ure winner winnerHe wiDnerJle winnerHeHe eould hardly see his opponent opponentYoure OlpoaMLuYoure opponentYoureYoure a winner all over eoatiaued eoatiauedPeter coatluedPeter coetinuedPeterPeter who hop bopteI xl to induce iooU e bis hi charge chargetoto renew reD ow the fisht iLi ht You thlnkee thike so sosaid aH1 aH1ald sosaidsaid ald the Chlnl Sure said Peter PeterWellee Pettorel1ee PeterWelloeWellee el1ee I quite qiliteft q ite a winner replied the theCelestial theCe theCelestialCelestial Ce e Ulad and no 11 amount of coaxing coaxingcould eoaxl eoaxle coaxingcotililcould e induce the U Americanized yellow yellewBkla yellowskin lIow lIowklRskin klR to reeater the U ring 11 and finish Iab Ute tbebout UtebouL theboutbout boutYouag bouLYOWRg boutYoungYoung Peter lured by gold 8OW gol later laterbrought laterrought laterbroughtbrought the Mongolian MongoU as far Bast as asof asI asDenverDenver for a settoo with a young negro aegroflf negroofI of his Id own weight The bout bout scheduled to togo togo togogo twenty rounds ended in the ninth ninthWiag nlntbulag ninthWIngWIng had proven a mark for the ne nepre DeFre nogrepre who Jabbed and hooked to his hishoartl hi hisbosrtihoartl hoart content Five times the Chink Chlakteok Chinktook Chinktook IItook the count la the ninth when a awelldlreeted awelldlreeted awelldirectedwelldlreeted blow back JTihe 1f him hl down again againThe againThe againTheThe referee taking it that all was wasover wasover iover b began gaa to toll off o the fatal tea teaAt teaAt WeAtAt eight the Chink rolled over OB his hisback ka kabaok hisbackback and looking up into the be face of the thereferee tileroCeree therefereereferee blurted out ia I broken Bngiish BngiishGoeo BagUaliGoeo ItaglishCoonGoeo on oM oJtlfje e man Countee Count century centuryme ceBtur ceBturmeme layee here Jus ju the samoa sameeAnd samoaAnd H HAJH1And nothing Wings Ig seconds 8Ihl might mightdo mightdodo could g Kt t him off his back until the thereferee Utereteree therefereereferee t I > r rontfll > n l hl hIi i vt vtDR 1 1DR t tDRDR PARKER ON TOBACCO TOBACCOThe TOBACCOThe TOBACCOTheThe late lat Dr Parker regarding smoking1 hate smoking From one end to the theother tMother theotherother it Is a nuisance ul aBee It ends in can cancer caaeel cancer cer apoplexy bad temper bankruptcy bankruptcyJ b bankruptcyVefltAi BkrupteyJ t tvenucu 1 1etuu1venucu oi U the c 14Yll vil n is the uevil it itID t tIsID the psstiHUi of perdition No dog degsmokes dogsmokett dogsmokessmokes No bird pines for tobacco Bbacco No Nohorse Nohorse Nohorsehorse is a monaber mom bel of a plpa club No Nointelligent NoIntelligent Nointelligentintelligent person ever puts a cigar in inbis Inhi inhishis hi mouth The whole Idea and practice practiceofof smoking must mu t be condemned as athe atheistical aU aUlaUeal sthIstical istical agaeetleal and Infinitely IBAII de detestable det8 alete testable t8 te table Mr Spurgeeas Spur I snake ek to tetbe toth tothethe th glery of God forms fer an a Interesting Interestingcounterblast later8BtlRgeGuaterillaat interestingceunterhlastcounterblast to Dr Parkers diatribe diatribeWestminster lIawlb1llYe diatribeWestminsterWestminster Ye GazetteJOCKEY HENRY ENY TO TElASK I IASKASK FOR REHEARING REHEARINGLikely EAI EAILikelyLikely to Withdraw Suit SuitAgainst SuitAgainst SuitAgainstAgainst French Club ClubWESTERN ClubWESTERN ClubWESTERNWESTERN RACEMEN AT ODDS ODDSJames ODDSJam ODDSJamesJames Jam McLanghlin Has ThirtyTwo ThirtyTwoThoroughbreds ThirtyTwoThoreughbreds ThirtyTwoThoroughbredsThoroughbreds at Morris Park ParkE ParkB ParkBB J Arnold a Big Winner WinnerFriends WinnerPrteaNb WinnerFriendsFriends of Milton Hoary say that the thejecker tHj thejockyjecker j will oa his return r to Franc FraDOe FraDOeItraw Paneewithdraw Francwithdrawwithdraw Itraw his b salt agatest the French Frenchhearing FruachJockey reach reachJoekerJockey Club ned trust to obtain a re reJtearlJlg re rehearinghearing of his ease lIe from the newly n Jy con constructed COIlstruct constructedstruct structed board ef of stewards ShiM the thestir tltetlr thestirstir made by the international episode episodesuch ctpl episodesuch oda Isuch action as a that taken last Septem September Septembel Septembar bar will not be b repeated without a full fulland tunnd fullandand nd fair hearing bearl of the th case by b a body bodyreonforced bodJreoner bOdYreonfercedreonforced reoner from tho ranks rankaof of turfmen turfmenof tlilrtmeRof turfmeaofof prominence prominenceHH B Duryea owner of Aceful the theAmerican tbeAJlcrlean theAiscricanAmerican oaadWate for the t Bngiish BngiishPerby BagllehPlHhy BaglishPerbyPerby when In JGngland ugland last fall fa1lXI saw sawKing sawKingKing XI Edward VHg VU eolt Meade race He Hewas Hewaa Howagwas so impressed with the youngsters youngstersDuality youpter5uaJlty youegaternqualityDuality that he aid 001 I dont think thinkthere thlakt1Mtre thIcktherethere Is muck ace of bringing brlc ln Aceful Acefulover AeeCulI Aesfulnrcover nrc I here Skeets Martin artill who will willrid wU1rWe willriderid ride for W V C Whitney next year over overbeard opread overbeardbeard Mr Duryeas remark ad he re replied replied replied plied If yes tfelak Meade IB l8a a seed seedcolt goodcolt oed oedeoltcolt what must Racksand it8 k and be who Is I in inthe Inthe inthethe same me stable ts le1 Rocksand can give the theKings thlJKIDIS theKingsKings colt ten pounds and a beating beatingThe beatingThe beatingTkexneetingThe Tkexneeting meeting At t Los Angeles will not notopen not8JM1R notopenopen until Jacuary 31 3L It is promoted promotedbyby J W Brooks Droolnr who Is at loggerheads loggerheadswith logor loggerheadswith eada eadawithwith the New California Jockey Jocke Club Clubwhich Clubwhlck Clubwhichwhich has assumed absolute ab control of ofthe otUle ofthethe sport on tbe tJtecCotUlL oast Brooks says that thathis thatId thathishis Id Los Angeles Angel track will be backed backedup baokedwp bookedopup by thf tk Westarn Weal rn Jockey Club but butSecretary butSeeretary butSecretsSecretary Secrets Kdhl ef the latter body bod says s 7Sthat its Jurisdiction does not extend extendwent exwHor extendwestwent of the tb Roslty Rettle Mountains Mean Meanwhile M8ahll Meanwhile while hll President Williams of the New NewCalifornia NewCall1ornill NewCalIforniaCalifornia Jockey duo Ctu Clue declare thai thaiany t1HlaRJ thatnayany track operating operaog on the Z0act e out a license will bp outlawed outlawedJames outlawedJalD outlawedJamesJames JalD McLaughlin has under his care careat careat careatat Morris Park thirtytwo thorough thoroughbreds thoroughbreda thoroughbretle breds not ODe of wham has coughed oo ghed or orshown orabowA orshowdshown abowA the slightest aU hto t ailment thus far farIn farI tarIvIn I the let Is a HIt called Royal Sum Summons Sum1It Summess mess by Kantaka put rat ef Hlmyara HlmyaraWhile HllaYIraWlIUe HimyairLWhileWhile the propesty of the Pepper Stable Stablebe StabIQbe Stablebebe wss IS 111 nearly all tile season nt notwithstanding nti ntwithstanding withstanding which the track expert expertdeclared expertsI exportsdeclareddeclared that h was as phenomenally ph8DOIB8Dallyraat ph8DOIB8DallyraatHe fast fastHeHe was purchased at tho sale HI of the thePepper tJtePepper thePepperPepper horses during the Aqueduct Aquoductmeeting Aqtiocluetmeeting Aqueductmeetingmeeting but not until after a killing killingbad ktmDghad klliingbedbad been made d on him whoa he was wasE waspeked wasbackedbacked trOJQ15 from 15 toe 1 dawn to 3 to I IE 1KE E J Arnold the Western plunger is issaid Isid Isadsaid id to have ha wn n the biggest t vqnibiaa vqnibiaatkta eQmbkiatlbL ombltaa ombltaartkta tlbL bet on rajSsrq r at tn Hst Springs S f Qri QriMonday QrlORday QdMondayMonday ORday ile he l1e wagered iieO 1 ieso en Potente Potentestraight Potatestraight Potoncostraightstraight Potheen straight both at atNew atNew atNewNew Orleans and Pat Oran a place pia nt ntSan ntsn atSanSan Fraaeiice The combination was wassuccessful warnsuccessful 11I 11IaueCMsuccessful aueCM tul and Arnold having secured securedM securedtoM to 1 bad a ticket calling mg far 3 Y YTo t8N t8NTo an anToTo date Arnold Is said 141 to have taken takenlevHt takenelK takenI4oIlevHt I4oI eat of the Hot Spriags Sprin pool poolIt peolJOOIIMJ poolroomsrooms JOOIIMJIt roomsItIt is not net7en generally geaorsllyknowa rally knows that William WilliamLakelani WilliamLakea WilliamLakelandLakeland Lakea owns ow a half Interest In Com Commando CORlmando Cocamantle mando but suck Is Ute fact Lakeland Lakelandowned LakeiallMlowned Lakeinn4ownedowned Hmma C the dam as a yearling yearJlIIgbut yearlingbut yearlingbutbut subsequently sold Id a half interest la laher 111bel inherher to James R Keene When Wh Connate Commando Cemmndo Connatedo do showed his b high quality Mr 1 Keeaq Keeaqpurchased Keeaqpurea Keemjpurchasedpurchased purea Lakelands Interest in the thecolt theeolt thecoltcolt As Commandos stud fee reehe reehemated he is ismated ismatedmated to Mr Keenes mares only onlyIc onlyIcvery Is Isveryvery high Lakeland revenue from re the tbehorse t tHIIt8 thebornehorse each season Is large largeJockey largeJoekty largeJoekeyJockey T Walsh who formerly rede redefor redelor rodeforfor L L V Bell is said hi to have received receivedanan n offer K r to ride in France next xt xtWall1i season seasonWalsh seasonWaiChWalsh has lately found it a difficult mat matter matfbi t tfttt ter to make weight and lus recently recentlysevered reeelIyHvoral recentlyseveredsevered relations relatlo with W V H Finer He Hewill He1rl1l Hepillwill ride Free Lance at New Orleans for forthe Corte fortete balance of the season seasonJ a8nJJ H McCormick trainer for L L V VBel Yul1Bel ul1 Is inclined to ridicule the proposi proposition prepoelUH propo1tics tics revived again to match MoChea MoCheaaey 1loCbeagalat MoCheesoysoy against Hermis McCormick MaOerJRlokp MaOerJRlokpthat says saysthat saysthatthat HermlB can give weight aad a beat beating lleatIng boathit ing ta h he track Western eatftD eon eoltDr eonDr soilDrDr Rice who won the Brooklyn Han Handicap nadlClflp lisadIeap dicap of 1SJM when owned OWB by Fred Fos Foster Fostel Fe Feter ter will 111 be taken take to to Germany by Foster Fosterand Fosterand ter terslidand placed In the stud of Baron von vonBletcbrocder TORDlelchrHder vonUlelchroederBletcbrocder of Cologne CologneOREGON CologneOREGON cologneOREGONOREGON REACHES PORT PORTAFTER PORTAFTER PORTAFTERAFTER STORMY PASSAGE PASSAGEOneOne Man Killed Deck Gear Swept SweptAway SweptAway sweptAwayAway and All Boats Were Lost Lostin Lostin Lostinin Rough Trip TripVICTORIA TripVICTORIA TripVICTORIAVICTORIA B C Dee 31 31orl9tltal 31orl9tltaladvleM 31Oriestaladvicee Oriental Orientaladvicesadvices Just reeelved r lvetl say that the United UnitedStates UletlStat UnitedStatesStates Stat battleship Oregon arrived at Yo Yokohama Yokellama Tokeharna kohama December 12 three days da ever everdue overdue everduedue after a aver very rough passage from fromSaa rrolASn IrmaSeaSea Francisco FranciscoAll FraMeiCleOAn FranciscoAllAll her boats were lost Ittt aDd the thestormy tMatormy thestormystormy sees e s which swept her decks ear carried earriM earriot riM away all the deck gear ge r and result resulted resulted resultad ed ia the death of one man She was wasordered wasordered wasorderedordered into dock dockINVENTOR dockI dockINVENTORIINVENTOR OF EAU DE COLOGNE COLOGNEHow COLOGNEHow COLOGNEHowHow many of those tbo who use 0 eau de co cologne coOaH cotogae logne OaH from i Cologne dally on ORe might mightalmost mlshtear mightalotostalmost say Bourly Jrourlr are aware of the fact factthat facttllat factthatthat It was Wa Invented by an Italian and andnot andDot analnotnot by b a son of the fatherland which whichgives whlcbgives whichgiveegives It a name 1 Almost AloetlOG 200 OO years ago agoan agoan agoanan Italian priest Glovan Maria Farina Farinawhose Farinawbllo Farinawhosewhose name is seen so en on every authentic authenticbottle authentlobottle authenticbottlebottle eked out his hi modest m4dest eet fortune by byselling bymng bysellingselling mng perfumery little art objects and andsoso 0 on at Domodeeeola In 1702 170 happen happening happenOS happentag tag OS to be in Cologne rod 1 ud making use of ofsome otMIMe ofsonicsome of the finest veg Ye table > productions productionsofof the tk country countr he dJaecvered the secret secretef aecretof secretofof the miraculous perfume tttlDQ which has hasnever hasheen hasnevernever been revealed to t thIs day exeept to tohie tobitt toIhie hi dascendanta d deseendaniLPall enl1aDtLPali > Pall Mail GazetteICOLUMBIA STUDENTS STUDENTSAHEAD STUDENTSAHEAD I IAHEADAHEAD IN CHESS TOURNEY TOURNEYYale TOURNEYYale TOURNEYYaleYale in Second Place PlaceMeet Meet NewYork NewYorkExperts NewPyorkExperts New York YorkExpertsExperts This Evening EveningThe EveningTlte EveningTheThe second round of the Intereollo lntereolloglate Intereolloglate intereolloglateglate ebess e ehee tournament between Colum ColumMm Columbla CelumbinMm Harvard Yale and Princeton was wasplayed wasplaYed wasplayedplayed yeateruay and after nearly nearl seven sevenhours sevenJtOUr8 sevenhourshours fighting pee game remained unfln unflnlBh unflnIsbed unflnish4lBh Isbed d for adjudication by the referees refereesthis rofereesthisthis thl evening eveningAt eTenlRgAt eveningAtAt the end of the day da Columbia still stilld JftUlled ItIftbedled d with a total of 5fc 5 to 1 V4 OH one ad adjourned aflJourn adjournal journal Journ game Yale has 5 to 3 Harvard Hanarto2 to 5 and Princeton Prin eton 2ft 4 to 5 54 K Harvard Harvardalto HarYtUdAllIO Harvardalsoalto having one adjourned game that be between between between tween Sewall of Columbia and al Rico Rlea of ofHarvard ofHarvard ofHarvardHarvard Harvardlala I the final round today WHla Columbia ColumbiaMeets Columbiameet Columbiameetmeet YaJ Yale and as e they ey are the high highcore blllhor highscoresscores core or It will be the crucial battle Yale Yalewon Yaleon Talewonwon on the trophy last year 1 and fully ex expected expeeted oxpoeted pected to win again apl this tM year yearThe rrThe yearTheThe pairing opening and results re of ofthe orthe ofthethe round were ero a as follewa follewaBoard toUwaDoam foliewsDosedBoard 1 IRice Rice Harvard vs Sewall SewallColumbia SewallColumbia SewallColumbiaColumbia Queens Queoo gambit declined d Ad Adjourned Adjourned Adjourned journed for adjudication adjudicationBoard adjUdlcatioRDoard adjudicationBoardBoard 2 2Keeier Keeler Columbia vs IJrlfig IJrlfigman 9rf Ilrtg Ilrtgmen g gmanman Harvard Queens gambit gambltd declined declinedDrawij dOclinedDrawi cllned cllnedDrawDrawij Draw after aixtyftve moves atevesBoard lItO lItODORrd movesBoardBoard 2Clark Clark Harvard TS Tucker TuckerColumbia TuckerColumbia TuckerColumbiaColumbia Ray Ru Lopez opening openin Wen W8 by byColumbia b1Celtntbla byColumbiaColumbia IB twentythree moves movesBoard rn ver verDoard vos vosBoardBoard 4 4Barshall Barahall Columbia vs Grr GrrHarvard C1rrHanard OarrHarvardHarvard Queens Pawn opening Won Wonby WORbJ Wonbyby Columbia in thirtyseven moves movesBoard movesDOtlnl movesBoerdBoard 6 5Rlehar Richardson soll Princeton vs vsSawln THSawin vsSawinSawin Yale French defence Won by byPrinceton byPrinceton byPrincetonPrinceton Iff Tfl thirtyeight moves raovosBeard movosBoard movesBoardBoard GA CAdams Adams cuns Yale vs T8Hank1 Hanktaeon HanktaeonPrinceton HankiseonPrinceton eon eonPrincetonPrinceton Scotch Seo gambit Won by b Yale Yalein YaleIn Yaleinin thirty moves movesBoard moyesDoard movesBoardBoard 7 7DISHll Blwell Prhweton vs B EHull BHull BHullHull Yale Philidor defence Won by byYale byYale byYaleYale 1M H thirtytwo moves movesBoard mevsDoard movesBoardBoard 8 8N SN N Hull Yale vs Pllgram PllgramPrinceton PilgramPrlnoeton PllgramPrincetonPrinceton Ponzlanl opening Drawn ar arter artel arterter fiftyone moves movesIn moveIn movesInIn the final round today toda the pairing Is IsSeirall IeSewall isScwallSeirall Columbia vs SawIn Yale Keel Keeler Keeler Keelor er Columbia vs Adams Yale Tucker TuckerColumbia TuekrColumbia TuckerColumbiaColumbia vs 11 E Hull Yale N Hull HullYalo HullYalo HullYaleYalo vs Barahall Dara BII Columbia Rice Har Harvard Haryard yard vs 8 Richardson Princeton Hank Hankinson HankInson Hanktenoninson Princeton vs Bridgraan Bar Harvard Barnrd liaryard yard vs Biesoll Princeton PJlgrant PJlgrantPrinceton PilgramPrl PllgramPrincetonPrinceton Prl eetoll vs 18 Carr HarvardCITY BREVITIES BREVITIESJobsJobs Job Mills a colored youth outh accident accidentally acoldontaUy accidentally ally shot himself la the face last night nightwhile nightwldle nightwhilewhile handling ha dU g a revolver which ho did didnet didnet didnotnet know kD was leaded At the Emergency EmergencyHospital BmorgUC7Ho ErnorgencyhospitalHospital Ho pttal the bullet which had lodged ia iahis I Iilia inhIshis cheek was WII removed and he was sent senthome sentbome soarhomehome homeThe bomeThe homeTheThe Board of Bdueatlen Bdu Uen at its weekly weeklymeeting weekl weeklJReeUs weeklynteeUngmeeting last night decided to allow the thedistribution thedlstrllMltloo thedistributiondistribution to the parents of pupils IB IBtbe Isthe inthethe local public schools of pamphlets Is Issued Ieued issued sued ued by tbe Health Office Otflc advising them themhow themhow thetahowhow to prevent the spread of consump consumption oon8um oon8umUn oonsumtics ticsCatherine M r Roaob by her will dated datedMarch daedMaroh datedMarchMarch 4 last Jast loaves JoaV her eetat estate in equal equalparts equalparts equalpartnparts to her jlstens I iot t m Mary R R Reaoh and andSarah audSarah awlSarahSarah B JReaeh Reaell who are named asox asoxeeutrices as ex exeeutrioes exeeutrloeeeutrioes ef the win WlUThe winThe nih nihTheThe Acting Inspector ID8 tor of Buildings Las liasforwarded LastorwanJed tinsforwar4edforwarded to the District Commissioners Commissionersthe ComBlissloIHilrtkethe proposal propo al ef f Arthur Cewslll to erect a afence arence afencefence in lieu of a cement walk and cop coping eopJng copleg leg in the rear of the yards ot 0 the Arm Armstrong Armtroag Armstrong strong Manual alMll Training School He bas basrocoIDmoaded has hasrocommoaded hasrecommendedrecommended that the t e proposal be ac accepted acceped cccopIed copIed ceptedFuneral cepedI copIedFuneralI Funeral services over the remains of ofMrs ofr ofMrsMrs r May I H H Addison teek place from fromher fromher fromherher huw eIe residence e MIa P Street north northwest northwest northwest west yesterday afternoon n The body bodywill bod bod1I1 bodywillwill 1I1 be taken to Baltimore BaltimOre where inter interment Intermeat intermoat meat will ho made at Loudeun Park ParkCemetery ParkCe8Iery ParkCemnierCemetery Cemnier today todayA todayA todayAA Christmas Chrl tmaa entertainment was givn givnlast gIY gtrnlast n nlastlast night by b the Sunday mday school of Grace GraceP GratePP K Church A threeact comedy en entitled OJtlUod Os Ostitled titled htr l ir r and Mrs rs Santa Claus aad aadTheir aadTltelr andTheirTheir Family of Bighteen Children was wasthe wasUle wasthethe feature of the evening eveningOn eveRlngOn evoningOnOn the recommendation of Richard A AOBrien AOBrlen AOrieaOBrien acting Inspector In peetor of Plumbing Plumbingthe PlumblDgthe Plumbingthethe District Dl trlct Commissioners have direct directed dlrectd directad ed that a plumbers license good until untilMay uolllMar watilMayMay lJ0 issued to James JaeeF F Anderson Andersonofof It e4 B Street southeast southeastTbe 80ut southeastThe eclSL eclSLTheThe Sunday Sunda set sclMI til of the Union M MChureh MH 1 1BB Chureh held a Christmas festival festivallast tes festivallast tlva I Ilutlast night Stereopticon views illus illustrating lllu lllutratiag thustrating trating the birth and life of Christ and andviews andYl analviewsviews Yl wa of the Methodist Met odlst missions in toe tbePhilippine toehlllpplsN thePhilippinesPhilippine and Porto Rico were shown shownChristmas sbownOhrletll18awas shownChrietnutaChristmas Ohrletll18awas was celebrated last night nightby nightlIy nightbyby the Bcklagton German and English EnglishKindergarten EngUehKllMlergartea BnglishKindergartenKindergarten An Interesting enter entertainment ontertalolRe outertainmest tainment talolRe t was given 51v of which one of ofthe ofthe ofthethe attractions att UoD8 was a large tree leaded loadedwith leadedwith leadedwithwith gits IZf ta made by b the children for fortheir torUtilI fortheirtheir parents parentsThe parestsThe arts artsT1IeThe following conversation is reported reportedas reportedHhgas having taken place over a telephone telephoneyesterday telephoDe1tenlay telephoneyesterdayyesterday between a local coal dealer dealerand dealeralul dealerandand an anxious resident residentA t tMA M R RHello Hello belle Is this Smiths coal coaloffice coalmee coalcMosoffice officeCoal cMosCoal mee meeCoalCoal Dealer DealerYes Yes what do you want wantA wantA Utt UttAA R RIve Ive only got coal enough In my mycellar myeellar mycellarcellar to last until tonight tonightCoal tonlghtCoal tonightCoalCoal Dealer Dealerlnterruptlng interrupting Thats Thatsgood Tbatsiood Thatsgoodgood Wbatll you take for it itOn ItOn itonOn NaturesPIan NaturesPIanColdsCold Colds are quickly cured by Cbamb Chamberlains Chamber Chamberlains r rlalas lains Cough Rooted Remedy It acts on natura antures na natures tures pan plan loosens the cough relievestbe relievesthe relieves relievesthethe lungs and opens the secretions ef effecting offesting effecting fecting a permanent cure It counteracts counteracts counter counteracts acts any tenden tendency y of a cold to resultIn result resultInIn pneumonia 1t t is pleasant to takeboth takeboth take takebothboth adults and children like it PriceBe PriceZic Price Price2ic2ic lar larpe e size roc tIle For sale by HenryBvan HenryRvani Henry HenryBvansBvans whole wholesale ale and all druggistsSKA druggistsSKATESS druggists druggistsSKATESSKATES SKATESWe SKA YES YESwWe w have jtwt received an importation of otCanadian ofOrmadian oftLhnsdtanCanadian Hockey Jloeke Sticks and Skates SkatesIteanUtion fikatesItenutatlon at atJlea1JIIteanUtion Jlea1JI Uon Canadian Hockey lIockt Sticks Stickstb St Sticksthe h htbetb the gradm radc used by all the th leading leadinghockey lsdinghocke ImdInghockeyhockey hocke teanwi 100 100Regulation 100RegutatlonRegulation Hockey Sticks SUcksThe SUcksTheicgulation 7te 7teK 7eKtgUtaUonK KtgUtaUon ulation Hockey Sticks St kr1iOoJ StickstOoStar kr1iOoJStar SOa SOaStarStar Hockry Skate with Puck 8top800 8top800Baru stop 600 600I 500 500IlsrseBaru Ilsrse y S Berry let Skate 7 75e aWALF WALFORDS WALFORDSS09Pa WALFORDS909Pa R sOO sOO909PaI909Pa Ave Ave477 477UNCLE SAMS LARGE LARGESTORE LARGESTORE LARGESTORESTORE OF PURE GOLD GOLDHas GOLDHasHas More in Treasury T reasufY Today Than Any Nation Nat n In Inthe iiithe u uthethe WorldThe United Stales stat Treasury will alert aUrtthe alertthethe New ew K ler ar with more gold la I Its Itsvaults Italts itsvn1tc Ivaults lts thai this > or any ay government has hasever haseyer lesseverever held at aay time before There Is Isnow I Inow isnownow la the Treasury building dlag la 1 Wash Washington Wa Wa18gon Washiagtn ington aad ia various subtreaevries subtreaevriesthroughout IMIbtr neabtreaeoriesthroughout urJe urJethroughtthroughout the Ul country WSjnjn 115211317 la laTaato t tTMle IsTeeTee TMle holdings koldl are four Umes as much muchas u b btokeas the toke preeeat seeeM holdings of ot the Bank of ofKngl ofJlogt oftegladKngl Jlogt teglad ltt 4 OttO and outhalf times U aa much muchas muckasas Is held by 11 the Bank of o Franco Fra ce four fourtintpi fourtJy fourtInWs I holds aad nearly twice aa muck muckthe MUckthe muckasas the Imperial ImlHtrJ81 Baak ef Russia KU pos posM98 PMHIHIt8 poemacjoHIHIt8 macjory0 M98 M98TheAI The stock of geld la the United States StatesDecember Stat StatDeeember StatesDecemberDecember 1 was 11 nMM7S72 showing ahewl g a amonthly amo amonthlymonthly mo Lhly average iaereaee atace the theclose Uteelo thecloseclose of Juae J of 78 1111131 83i Since Jaaa Jaaaary Jasaaryary 1 ISM 18 there has been an annual annualaverage annualaverage I Iaorageaverage gain of 51t77St f In gold goldThte gol golTJaIa goldThisThis stock and this Increase are be beyond M beyond i ioDdI Iwhereyond oDd comparison eomparisowhere comparl oo with a any reeerd el else elsewherewhere Only five tI countries t4MIatrl Bother tJter than thaaour thanour thanourour own ow have la their stock at of money y so somuch IHImucb somuchmuch as a 300M6We 100 la gold The aver average uerage average age annual gala of the United Ualt Stat Statin States StatNla StatesIa in the last four years ia geld Is fW6wS fW6wS6X9 Mi4IiAt 5O 5Oess6X9 mere than that of o the United King Kingdom Klqalom Kingatom dom Fraaee Germany AustriaHun AustriaHungary AtrlaHugaryancl AnetriaHungary gary garyancl and Russia R combined eo Taking all allthe sUtho allthethe countries 1I0t1ntrl ot kt Bftrope IM together great greatand greatand t tandand Btftall their net average animal t1 ia iaerease lact Isstancestance ct case for these four years 86118 is K43iM K43iMwhich fl4IflSwhich 4 4whlcbwhich IB 5123S86M 1358611 lees I than that of the theUnited theUnited theUnitedUnited States StatesIn StateIn StatesInIn discussing discu lng this tremendous inflow inflowof lalewof Inflowofof gold Into this country before the theAmerican tJtAmerican theAmericanAmerican Association for the Advance Advancement Advancemont dnaee dnaeemeRt mont of Science Scteaeethts this afternoon aft rJt80R United UnitedStates UDltedStat UnitedStatenStates Stat Treasurer Bills Bn B Roberts spoke spokeof spokeof spokeofof the effect of this plethora of the t e pre precious precious pvccious cious metal en o our currency ea prices pricesand prlcesand pricesandand wages and oa our world WWW relations relationsCautiouc relatioRLCauUouc relationsCautioucCautiouc financiers be said express expressalarm expreeaalann expressalarmalarm at the tremeeduous trelRe cltilo Inflation which whichhas wJllekI whichbanI has taken place ia recent years aDd aadwhich aDdI andwhichwhich JaMh Is still going oa The total circu circulation eitetllatloR circulation I lation per capita pita ia this country is S t6 t4and 2 2and1 and the share of gold In it is 1 41W 4L per percent peroonL percentcent In no other land are le checks and andthe a atbe addthethe like Instruments of credit much as here here and It Is to be remembered rememberedthat reDNBlberedthat rememberedthatthat tbe currency serves for only O ly It 1 or orat orat oratat most 1ft per cent of tbe be volume of oftransportation oftransportationI transportation With that standard Mr MrWALL MrEAST MrEASTEAST BOSTON TUNNEL TUNNELWALL TWNLWALLWALL COLLAPSES COLLAPSESFour OLIAP8E8FourFour Men Injured in First FirstSeriotis1 FirstISeriomAccident FirstSerioiisSeriotis1 ISeriomAccident ISeriomAccidentDOSTON Accident AccidentBOSTON AccidentBOSTONBOSTON Dec 3L 31The The Scat rst sorl sorlaccident S serious seriousaccident rlous rlousaccidentaccident to mar the progress of excava excavation exea18tJOD excavalion lion of tbe Hunt Boston Do ten tunnel occurred occurredyesterday occurredysaterdayyesterday 8 terday when the incoming l tide wash washed weeked oaek oaekad ed out the tunnel near State Street In Inthe J Jthe Iathethe wholesale collapse of a portion ef efthe efthe ofthethe walls four men were inured seri seriously sedouBly serioualy ously ouslyCoincident ouBlyColncldont oualyCoincidentCoincident with the needing A of the thetunnel Utetunnet thetunneltunnel the brick wall beneath the toss foundations IOtIsdal tossdatons dations dal ons of the big business Meek extend extending exteIHIIng extendleg ing from S4 State Street to the corner corneroff CorReroct cornerofoff of Atlantic Avenue Aven e began to give way wayThe WayThe wayTheThe buildings settled perceptibly perceptiblyMen perceptiblYMen perceptiblyMenMen worked all night to repair th thdamage the thedamage thedamagedamage and prevent further trouble troubleX troubleHHetHHet X 1 X X X K Iltx IltxMans r X X XX XXMansMissiononEarthi K I IMansMansMissiononEarthi MansMissiononEarthiAl Mans Mission MissionouEah MissionouEahAs on Earth EarthAI Al let forth IB THE GOLD 3TEDAI2 3TEDAI2IPRIZK MEDAL 1IEDALPRIZE MEDALIIPRIZK I PRIZE TREATISE the be belt Medical MNlcaiI Ue4ical3 Ue4ical3gg 1 Work of this or any age a e entitled eaUtle4Tho entitledThe JI S Tho Science of Lire or Self SelfJ SelfPreservation t tgJ g Preservation Preservation9Jc9Jc lc Library Edition Fall Ollt S pp P p with wWfcEarrarlan whltt withEasTaYtEalEarrarlan aDd Pretcrlptioms only SI 1 by ItJlDaU byc 4 4Vigorousmail sealed In plain plcta packers packersIt e eItc It I Is s Vellltlre for EVERY fA fATOUDG Iit1 Young UlddloAed ADd Old Write Wrhefor WriteIcIc for I 25 tod toOsi The leertt Kel Key to Healtht HealthtdJ Health Healthii llpplneu dJ Vigorous MANHOOD 1IANnO D and bate bateOld lIIaIet lIIaIeTho haleOutOld age AddreM AddreuThe 4 4TheThe Peabody reabod Medical Institute Institutetie j jiXo It ItoiXo tie so o 4 Bainnch U nch Bt 8t ronpottte orctte Revere Renee BouieI Bouief ReneeBostonI Boston Uu f MuL the oldest O and d b best t ID tOts tblacountry tOtscountry t tCor= kl kltnetl tnetl taI country euabltelied tn J860 Author and andnn andTT for more than Tblrt Thirty Years chief eoltlnjt eoltlnjtII1Yllolln1 II1Yllolln to tb Insulate raaaite or liar liartic 1 1nrotic yard lIedlll College ctau 181M 1ot COINal COINalybl1 tation by letter er or In person 9 to 6 6XnoW 6SundaylUtolybl tel elSundaylUtol nn v vXaow t 1 1ittXaow Thrwir TII Thyself telf Manual a VaSe Mecwa Mecwaf leeDmbroohareitt u broohare FIlES EBE sealed 111CtoIf s ceata for rorroUlte forestareroUlte Treats on Xxbauled Vitality VitalityI IW1Y IW1YEDITORSI rnlTflflO Liflic For 40 rears elrs the Peabody PuliiOOTJledlel11DMttute PeabodyF =F EDITORS CLIi I UR 0 NOTr llU i Jledlel11DMttute neucalintltetliasbcer neucalintltetliasbcerr lid beer beerdXedr f a axed tact and all4ftm It will remain so It J is a attaadard as asr t t1lIdarlir standard a al American Oolrt Oolrti f fThei 5 The PftklMMly Medical l institute Jtttmte Has laanj laanjittmltaton IanYi IanYilmlllton aiiy aiiy4imtatorsittmltaton lmlllton bat no eq eqa1IBntOD Bo toa Hertd HertdATimelyeint iIerldATifflely f fAATimelyeint ATimelyeintA A ATifflely Timely Hint HintAA phone plloD nMss m message e will bring immedi immediate Immediate Immediate ate delivery to yoor home homeFbont 1I0IDfPOOlH homePhonePhone > West W CSt CStArlington li liArlington 1 1Arlington =Arlington Brewing Co CoRosslyn CoRosslyn CoRoaslynRosslyn Va VaSTOCK VaSTOCK VaSTOCKSTOCK PORTER PORTERJUSTJUST ir IT FOR FORNev FOltNeVl FORIewNev Years yearsOay Day DayGAME1 11 I S I I M Mi u uIGAME LAWS Pin F8SKOood PRkLBtiyingai II Btiyinga BuYing a aI II j000il Oood Oon Ooni I Iisi is etay at TAPPANS We W deal orty In Itsreliable InT 11 11treliable timetotted makes Always a atet pI rite ure to jhow tsa sed espiads their tbeirrite theirII T CeAmmuDKIon Ul mmuDitioR of o CT every y kind 1dILi kindTAPPANCO I ITAPPANCOi t TAPPANCO TAPPAN co l339FStNWt 1339 I339FS t NW tRoberts measured RM8r the enormous inflation inflationaew IntJaliouJHtW Inflationnewnew ia 1 process in the he United States StatesThe StatesThe StatesTheThe expansion of business excessive la lanot luBOt insotnot a few branches lllfaach Is a natural reaUt reaUtOut reatItOtct reoUtOutOut ef It la I large part grew the danger dangerous dangerous dangerout ous exploitation 8Xpl itatJoR ef gigantic industrial industrialcorporatteoa indutrll11corKHaUeaL industrialcorporatleoscorporatteoa An inflation of currency currencybreeds currencybree4la currencybreedsbreeds inflation of credits arouses to ac activity acth1ty atttvity tivity promoters aDd speculators The Thocheck TboelMck Thecheckcheck which was recently reeenU applied made madeplaia madeplal madeplainplain plal the danger The Tkestelilve extensive liquida JJquldaI Uquldaties liquidation I ties the nervousness a over the congestion congestionef cong atioDlc ef 1 aew stock in the hands handaot of organizers organizersthe organizersUle organizersthethe dread of unknown evils are not notheatthlal noteakWal nothealthfulhealthful conditions They The expose the thewild thewild thewildwild s Hk scheme dubiocs companies complU comptuiles le5 exces excessive excestve excesdye dye capitalization the frenzy which Is Isnot IIDOt Isnotnot business businessYet huelneasYet Inelll InelllYetYet whatever perils may befall what whatever wbatever whatever ever crash and a ruin may come in the theearly thofait theearlyearly future fait they caaaot involve hl lvc the cur curreaey curre currencyreaey They may 188 reduce credits clip clipmargias clipDMlrRta clipneargiacmargias Iron stocks paralyze enterprise enterprisefor enterprl8lorfor a a time lIves QB If corporations shrivel shrivelami IbrivelMak shrivelandand banks b alts totter all our money will re remala reNil yemulctmulct Nil fortified lorUl IH Qpld sure and stead steadfast stes1I steadfast I fastfastWithWith ether things equal equa large add addii addlde addUoeei tteas de to Ute currency carry up the prices pricesI pricesor pricesofI of coouaodities Notable advances nave navetaken haLveta havetaketaken ta take piaee pins fa the prices of articles artl lea of ofneeesetty of1HIeN8IlJ ofnecessityneeesetty during the past five years as astouch a aJlltlCa asmuchtouch as 2S or M per cent The burden burdenfalls burdenraUs burdenfallsfalls heavily 1 at once on o1p persons persensydtlt persensydtltfixed nQ1sY jvltli jvltliaxed 1th 1thAXMaxed salaries Hhld88IH anti limited m ted lcornL1ic lcornL1iccan incomes foomesW1iCl foomesW1iClClla rfia rfiacancan find ae 0 offset offsetReal oU8etReal offsetRealReal estate ate excepting exe pth g in favored formic formictf fonnet formsCftf choice locations locatio in cities tws ha not im improved 1mvocl haprovedproved vocl In earning capacity a ai i a rule ruleThere ruleT1Mtre ruleThereThere are thus Uu large classes of our pee people peepie tO tOItt pie Itt td t whom w om this Inflation Is an evil evilwithout ell1lllHt evilwitheutwithout 1lllHt palliation Efforts for bettel bettelwages bette better betteiIr wages in tbeae conditions are natural naturalII It is coacejvable Mr Roberts said saidthat saidI saidthatthat OUT wages wa and prices of commodE commodities commodrties commodEties I ties may be carried so high as to build builda buUdbarrlra barrier seriously to check exports exportsThat exportsThat exportsThatThat peril confronts us but the danger dangerllae dangerJlRe dangerlineline la some distance ahead If Amen American AmerlcaD Amencan can skill tJI and energy can keep ahead o1 o1tats 01t cithitats t thi rise we can held bc d and tighten tlgbtenp cur csrgrip curgripgrip p oa foreign markets but too groat groataa greatn groatanaa n inflation of our currency currenc even by gol golwill 1 gold goldwill 0111 0111willwill negative this thisSo t1IlaSo thisSoSo be concluded tbe Inflow of gold la lanet bBet isnotnet without Its hazards but the Ameri American AmerteaR Amen Amencan can people are sane enough to make makegold makeaokl makegoklgold net only the symbol sII bol of prosperity prosperitybut prOlperltbut prospenitybtitbut its stout defense defenseR1RI defenseGIRL defenseplotplot GIRL PHTBC ENTEDQ wnoin tIJnDI n fl UITU IDITUIIU WITUUI1ILumL UI1IL LMlLiiu LUlLilu IIU nuiiLu nun nunTELTH nliOTEl1H 111111TEETHTEETH AND ANDFLOYIU FLOWING HAIR HASBBaby HAIRBaby HAIRBabyBaby Has Bright Prcspects czpects of Life c De Despite Despite D Dspite spite Precedents PrecedentsRQCK0KCBR PrecedentsR09fISIIBR PrecedentsROIIZTBRRQCK0KCBR 2L N T L Dee SL ZL4 A baby babygirl babTgirl babygirlgirl with a a Cull set of teethand long longflWingblock oa oaReVlngbftekReVlngbftek 1 lngJiltrkhaJr hair has been torn to t Mrs MtsC MtuC1 C L L mica Tad on a farm on Cherry Creek Creeka Cree Creeaa mile Ue and a half from this city cU It U Uwell f fwell inwellwell and healthy healthyTbe JileaUltyTIle healthyTheTIle doctor lloet attending aU nrUng Mrs Irs Tulen says saysthat sn1J sn1Jthat saysthatthat such eases have been known before beforebut beforeIMIt betorebutbut that the tit children Were not known to tolive toJIM tolivlive liv This baby however baa remark remarkably remarkW remarkably ably W bright IiIrtc prospects P 05Pects of living livingFUNERAL livingFUNERAL livingFUNERALFUNERAL OF T J SHERIDAN SHERIDANThe SHERIDANThe SHERIDANTheThe funeral ef Thomas J Sheridan Sheridanaaaa aged ag resident of Washington who whodied whodIetI whodieddied Monday at his It home 1924 Fifteenth FifteenthStreet FltteenlhStreet FifteenthStreetStreet northwest will take place tomor tomorrow tomorro touterrow row ro morning Requiem high mass wll will be becelebrated becelebrated becelebratedcelebrated at St Pauls Church at 3 3oclock 3oclock 3oclockoclock The burial will be private Mr MrSheridan lrSberldan MrSheridanSheridan was for many man years connected connectedwith connectedIth connectedwithwith Ith the War Department taking a po position poItlon panitlon sition there after service in the th army armyHis arm armHis armyHisHis property interests in Washington Washingtonwerewere extensive and several years ago ha haresigned beleelgned herecignedresigned his place to devote his time to tohis tohis toIsIshis real estate interests interestsMEDICAL InterestsMEDICAL interestsMEDICALMEDICAL MEDICALWhen MEDICALWhen MEDICALWhenWhen Others Fall Consult the German GermanSpecialists GermanSpeclaIlsts GermanSpecialistsSpecialists st the United States StatesMedical States1edlcl1lnstltute StatesMedicalMedical 1edlcl1lnstltute 1edlcl1lnstltuteCbronic Institute InstituteChronic InstituteCiroe1cChronic nervous and andupccial Indpedal andetet pedal Diseases of Mea Zen en and andWcroen andcmen andpp Wcroen cmen Rheumatism Oon Oonsrin 011s on onP1P1 s srin l t k > B Piles Pt1 Blood and andsit ndoI1c andetet W sit oI1c tcin in i Diseases Gonorrboct GonorrboctUlret Gononboetta Gotm bont bonttketUlret ta t Strictnre Varl Varlcrle Yule Yulectle VarktE1t4ctaS3 2ff7e9595c

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